Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Commoner's Speech

Intellectual/ Self Improvement
Goal: Deliver three speeches by year end

I delivered my first speech of the year today.  I had some good moments and I had some that showed me where I need to work harder.  As with every speech, I learn a lit bit more about public speaking and my confidence is strengthened.

In Toastmasters when a speech is given, there is always an evaluator.  My evaluator today was a seasoned Toastmaster as well as a professional story teller - I always listen closely to what he has to say.  Here is what he concluded about my delivery:

  • Projected sincerity and conviction
  • I was a credible source for what I was talking about
  • I had the willingness to "stretch" in terms of a topic and to show my convictions
  • He was persuaded to accept my viewpoint
  • Good organization
Weaknesses and areas of improvement:
  • My hands were too fidgety
  • Needed more emotion
  • Needed more of an emotional conviction in the conclusion
  • Talk a little bit slower (this was because my speech was too long for the allotted time, my mistake)
Here is a copy of the speech.  I didn't deliver it exactly like this, but fairly close.  I'm probably going to edit it and give it one more time for practice.  I was happy with the over feel of it, but there are portions that needed cutting out and spots that need to flow better.

Speech Title
He that Looketh
The Competent Communicator Manual
Speech project
Project #9 – Persuade with Power
5-7 Minutes
Project Objectives
§  Persuade listeners to adopt your viewpoint or ideas or to take some action.
§  Appeal to the audiences’ interests
§  Use logic and emotion to support your position
§  Avoid using notes

Introduction – State the problem/solution

Have you ever been asked a question that you weren’t anticipating?

Mr. /Mrs. Toastmaster, my fellow toastmasters, and welcome guests. A couple of years ago I was asked to be a substitute teacher for the high school Bible study at my church. Most of the time that I taught it went off with out the kids asking me any questions that I couldn’t answer, however, there was one class that really challenged me.

I prepared my lesson plan by reading the appointed Bible passages, looked up a couple of theological positions, and was ready. When I walked into the room I noticed something kind of odd; it was all girls. There wasn’t a boy in site. “Ok, no big deal.” I thought to myself. “Maybe I will get through the entire lesson since there weren’t boys trying to impress the young ladies or disrupting the class.

I said the opening prayer and started into the lesson. Before I could get out one sentence, one of the girls wanted to ask me a question. I said, “Sure, what’s on your mind?” She said they didn’t want to talk about theology, but wanted to ask me questions. Sensing that there was something on her mind, I told her to proceed. She asked, “How far is too far with a boy?” I didn’t lose my composure, but I can tell you, I was completely knocked out of my comfort zone.

What was I going to tell them? Here I was, a single man in his thirties; basically in the same position because I was out dating like them. With all these female eyes on me, I started down that difficult path.
This was a difficult conversation. However, it is the one class that I still remember to this day. I don’t necessarily remember it because of the provocative question that was posed to me. You see, every time I think about that day I am reminded of one thing - listen to me closely my fellow Toastmasters and guests; our daughters, wives, sisters, and mothers are under assault!

Yes, you heard me correctly; they are being assaulted daily by men, marketing agencies, and other women trying to push forward their idea of beauty. How might you ask? Just walk through any mall past a Victoria’s Secret store with their window displays. Look at the Abercrombie & Fitch catalog. For a catalog that sells clothes, their models seem to be not wearing any. Now the latest, they are marketing a push up bra to girls as young as eight. Also, just look at any show on TV or the movies where they are pushing the limits. Think a trip to the grocery store is safe for them? Think again. There are magazine covers that would give Playboy a run for it’s money. It seems no place is safe.

Most people just turn a “blind eye” to these exploitations without even considering the many ramifications that follow. Some counter and say, “What are you talking about? What’s the problem? Abortion and teen pregnancies are down over the last twenty years. ” While that is true, these are just two aspects of teen sexuality. In 2007 the American Psychological Association Task Force on the Sexualization of Girls issued a report linking early sexualization with three of the most common mental-health problems of girls and women: eating disorders, low self-esteem, and depression. As women, teens, and young girls become more and more objectified, there are emotional costs as well as other physical risks that will result.

According to Dr. Meg Meeker’s book Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters:

11.9% of females will experience forced intercourse
 46.7% of students will be sexually active before high school ends
Engaging in sex puts girls at a higher risk for depression

We have a problem. Society has become signalized to the point that women are seen too often as sexual objects. The sexual revolution that was supposed to free women has actually enslaved them to a devastating view of what it means to be feminine.

What’s the answer? Many years ago it was in vogue to say, “It takes a village to raise a child.” While there may be a little truth to that, in reality, the “village” is sick and rotten to the core. Therefore, it really starts with the family. It starts with mothers and fathers standing up against society by demanding a higher standard that says modesty, humility, proper self-confidence and dignity still matter. You can do something, we can do something, I can do something about the filth in our society.

Body – Present solutions
The return to modesty and humility

One person that stood up to society is Nicole Weider. Ms. Weider was tired of seeing Cosmopolitan magazine at eye level of children with headlines such as “75 Sex Moves” and “His Best Sex Ever.” As a former reader she was appalled at what she was reading in the magazine with its’ pornographic content. In August 2011 she had enough and decided to do something about it.

To take the culture back, Ms. Weider started a petition to have the magazine sold in a non-transparent wrapper and not to anyone under 18. Additionally, she contacted the Chairman of the FTC to lodge a formal complaint.

To date she has received many letters and emails of support from young women. In these letters they explain that they had tried some of the things listed in the magazine and received STDs, broken hearts, became pregnant, and had their self-esteem severely damaged.

Ms. Weider understands that young women need to be taught that beauty is not what Cosmo prescribes. No, that magazine and the world teach self-centeredness and love of self. Ms. Weider knew that someone needed to protect some of the most vulnerable among us and wanted to do something. It started with one woman standing up for other women and saying, “This is not what it means to be beautiful, feminine, and valued.”

Their bodies are sacred
In returning to modesty and humility, young women and girls will understand that their bodies are sacred and that they are not a means to an end. In a recent study, it was discovered that only 15 percent of teens report remaining virgins until the age of 21. Is it any wonder that according to the Center for Disease Control, 16.2% of people 14 to 49 years of age have genital HSV-2 infection?

Our bodies are sacred. Remember that Bible study I mentioned earlier? To answer the young ladies question I was able to direct them to a passage from 1 Corinthians. This passage explains that their bodies are of value and something to be protected and cherished.

1 Corinthians 6:19-21 (English Standard Version)
19Or(A) do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God?(B) You are not your own, 20(C) for you were bought with a price.(D) So glorify God in your body.

A pastor I know explains it this way and I used his example with the girls, “When we receive Holy Communion we use a special cup. This cup is set aside for special-holy use. We don’t drink beer from it or carelessly handle it. Likewise, your body is sacred and something that you don’t cheapen by sleeping around.” ( I left this paragraph out when I delivered the speech)

Even if you don’t come from a faith background, you have to agree that the body is not meant for casual sexual encounters. There are too many dangers associated with these activities; unwanted pregnancies, diseases, and emotional scars to name a few.

The Importance of Fathers
Fathers, I don’t want to leave you out. First of all, fathers, we have an obligation to help protect your daughters from themselves.

Have you seen the new Quik Trip commercial? It’s the one where the father is waiting for his teen age daughter to finish dressing in order for them to leave for the day. As he stands at the bottom of the stairs his daughter comes down from her room in a revealing outfit. This happens about three times and with every incident, the father looks at her with a disapproving look and sends her back to her room to change. However, the last time she comes down she has on sweat pants and baggy shirt. He gives her an approving glance and then she walks past him. As she does, he notices something written on the seat of her sweat pants, “Kapow.” Ladies and gentlemen, this is a funny example; however, it illustrates a simple teachable moment - the father stood up for his daughter by protecting her from herself.

Additionally, fathers, we have a great responsibility daughters in the way we model appropriate love with women. In my copy of Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters, given to me by my mother in law, she wrote the following to me, “You are the first man your daughter will love. This relationship will be the foundation of all other relationships she has with the men in her life.” How true.

If you want your daughter to find the right man to marry, be the right man for her mother. A girl witnessing her mother being loved and elevated by her father will naturally want and seek out the same for herself.

Maybe things will swing back to a more modest culture as people become so desensitized; probably not. I think things will only get worse. As people become less able to be shocked, they will seek out and will find more shocking ways to degrade and objectify women.

Should we just give into the culture? By all means no. It takes simple teachable moments to protect our children from themselves. It takes someone like Ms. Weider standing up for young women and the current standard by challenging stores and the FTC. It takes you and me to battle against a perverse society and demand better. It has been said many times, “In order for evil to triumph, all that has to happen is for good people to do nothing.” So good people, what do you plan on doing?

Thursday, January 26, 2012

I'm no Rocky

Goal: Workout Monday - Thursday at 6:00


The year has started off very poorly in regards to working out in the morning.  I don't think I have worked out once since the first of January.  I really need to find the discipline again, as it has been very difficult to get up at 6 to workout.  Maybe I'm going to bed too late or it could the time of the year.  It doesn't matter, these are excuses.

I will tell you this, when I do start getting up again, I won't be practicing Rocky's workout regimen.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Green Shoots

All Goals
I had to call a client the other day to ask him/her a question.  As usual, it went to voice mail.   My client went through the normal voice mail message, "I'm not available to take your call...blah, blah, blah."  Then he ended it with, "Please listen carefully, What you focus on, grows."  I thought that it was kind of hokey, but I considered the source - my client is in sales and motivation.

What we focus on does grow, there is no doubt about it.  Take for example the article attached.  The author cites our country's debt in the 1800's and what Andrew Jackson did to eliminate it.  President Jackson focused on reducing the national debt because he saw it as a problem for our country.  The author explained it well,

"The elimination of the national debt did not happen simply because the country was prosperous and expanding. It happened because Andrew Jackson was determined to make it happen, and he did everything within his constitutional power to bring it about."

President Jackson was very passionate about achieving this national goal.  He was incredibly determined to eliminate the national debt because of something deep down inside him. As a result, he was able to motivate others to believe in the payoff.

This example is true for us today while we work to achieve our goals. Just remember,  a goal without discipline is just a dream. However, to develop discipline, we have to be able to see a payoff first.  Let's say you want to be debt free.  If just left at that, great goal.  However, that alone is not much to motivate you in the day to day pursuit of completing it.  What it comes down to is you have to see why it's important to achieve this.  You must be convinced of this to the point that it gets deep in your soul.  After it becomes part of your core convictions, discipline is established.  Then and only then will you have the fuel necessary to achieve the goal.


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Plan for 2012

All Goals
I learned much in 2011 as I blogged about my goals.  In 2012 I would like to focus my blogging more on achieving each individual goal and not so much about what I have learned along the way.  Don't get me wrong, I will still blog about something I find interesting in my readings or something that happened at my work.  However, I want to discuss each goal a little more in depth.

Also this year, I have simplified my goals by reducing them and by making them more achievable.  As I said, "I learned much from 2011."  What I learned was that I don't have enough time to achieve everything.    If I focus on one goal, it's usually at the expense of another.  That's alright, however, I have to be careful at what I'm neglecting in that moment.

This year should be a good one.  It has already started out very interesting especially in the areas of the family, career, and our finances.  I'm positive that I can achieve all that I set out for. How does your year look?

If you want to see what I have on tap for 2012, please look at the tabs for my goals.  Also, hey, please leave a message if you want. I was able to open it up for ANYONE to leave a message. Oh yea, in order to do this, you have to click on the blog entry. From there, you will see a place to post a comment.

I found this and thought it was great. Calvin as a teenager.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Looking back at 2011

All Goals
It was an eventful 2011 and I learned much from blogging. I didn't hit all of my goals, but, I have a suspicion that I hit more than I would have if I never wrote them down. One thing that I continue to understand is that one goal will usually affect another. For example, my goal to read ten books has benefited my career as I read about management practices. Exercise affects everything in my life as it has increased my energy.

I had some wins and I had some losses. Overall, It was a decent year. Here is what happened:

Goal  #1                                                               Measured by                          
Dates with my wife                                 At least one per month
These are dates that I set up. I call the babysitter and ask out my wife.
We went on dates every month. We loved it so much that we decided to try at least TWO date nights per month. It has been fantastic taking time to be with my wife without interruption from our almost four year old. Setting up the dates has been made easy with the help of family members and a babysitter we found at our church. 

Goal #2                   
Prepare a question and answer book for fathers.
Measured byWork on a couple of times a week. I dont' plan to finish it by year end.
I'm about 1/3 the way through it. I've enjoyed visiting my past and thinking about my child(ten) reading this book one day. It's definitely a work of love. I've found out that a leaving a legacy is more than leaving money.

The Faith
Goal #1
Personal Bible Study
Study the Gospel of Matthew
Finished this in April. It was a very good study and I learned much. In fact I have decided that I will always be learning a book of the Bible with this method. After the Gospel of Matthew I started on Genesis.

Goal #2 -
Men's Bible Study                                            Time frame                                       
Attend men's Bible study at my church           Every Friday morning at 6 am
ProgressAttended almost all classes. There were a few that I missed due to over sleeping. I honestly look forward to the class and it an incentive to getting up an hour earlier. Currently, we are studying Amos.

This are changed many times in 2011. This is primarily due to the decision to start preparing our house to be sold in the next year. All extra money - to the exclusion of savings - has been used to fund home improvements. After the house has been updated, we will start saving for the down payment on our new home.

Goal #1          
Payoff all debt except the house
Paid off 3/15/11
This was one of the highlights of the year. I can't believe it!!!! WE ARE DEBT FREE!

Goal #2                                                     Time frame
Fund Emergency fund of 3-6 months          June 15
Completed 06/30/2011
Always keep reserves. I need to build this back - emergencies came up.

Goal #3                                                   Time frame
Prepare an investment policy statement       June 15
Printed off outline from a web site and have started working on it.
Had to back off of this. Our 401k is still with my employer as they have not spun it off. When they do, I will look into investing in single stocks and some mutual funds.

I didn't list my goals for work in this blog. They include deposit sales, investment sales, referrals, and loan production. I had a very successful year and hit most of my goals at work. My review reflected the good year.

Goal #1         
Research my career path                                                                           
ProgressI have concluded that I want to stay in Wealth Management. I'm considering management or more of a "hunter/killer" role. Recently, a couple of head hunters have called me and have me thinking more and more about my future. There is much to think about.

Goal #2    
Finish Reading Private Wealth Management
ProgressI didn't get even close. Actually, one of my colleagues has the book. I will however, be asking for it back as this will be a major focus in the new year.

Goal #3                                                                      Time frame
Read articles about wealth management issues              Daily
This goal has been very easy to achieve. There is always something to read about my industry. With
the Internet and a few bookmarked sites, I have no trouble finding information.

Goal #4                                                     Time frame

Meeting by myself                                   Every Friday
I don't miss this time for anything. I wish I had started this a long time ago. Always begin with the end in mind.

Goal #1                                                         Time frame
Work out                                                   Monday - Thursday at 6 am
There have been times that I'm up every morning killing it and other times, well, uh, I stay in bed. I still feel very healthy and my weight has been maintained.

Goal #2                                                              
Run the mile under eight minutes
In order to accomplish this I need to run at 7.5 mph for 8 minutes. 
ProgressIt was a stupid goal. I didn't even try. Remember, goals have to mean something to you and you have to see a vision in pursuing it. No vision here except to kill myself.

Goal #3                                                         Time frame
Get a physical                                                 6/30/2011
ProgressI didn't get a full physical. However, I did get blood drawn for an insurance exam and it came back to show that I'm very healthy. So healthy that they actually lowered my projected premium.

Intellectual / Self Improvement
Goal #1                                                               Time frame
Read ten books                                                   By year end
Progress/ Finished
I have really developed a love for reading and knowledge over the last couple of years. I honestly think reading has developed my mind and has benefited my career.

1. Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell
2. The Great Depression: A Diary by Benjamin Roth
3. Return to Prosperity by Arthur Laffer and Stephen Moore
4. The Million Dollar Financial Advisor by David J. Mullen Jr.
5. The Million Dollar Financial Services Practice by David J. Mullen Jr.
6. Questions Great Financial Advisors Ask....and Investors Need to Know by Alan Parisse and David Richman
7. Selling to the Affluent by Dr. Thomas J. Stanley
8. Little Bets by Peter Sims
9. Medium Raw by Anthony Bourdain
10. Great by Choice by Jim Collins
11. Practically Radical by William Taylor

Goal #2                                                      
Give four speeches in Toastmasters
ProgressI delivered one speech and worked on another one for nine months. This is one area that I truly believe in. I have to deliver more than one speech in 2012. Communication is essential in my vocation. I have to become better at it in order to be more effective.