Monday, August 29, 2011

Who do you Love?

The Faith / Spirituality

In my morning study of Genesis, the author stated, "A lack of love for God will inevitably result in a lack of love for one's fellow human being." How true this seems to be these days.  As society became more and more materialistic - materialistic in the sense of believing only in what exists - God became less and less an influence in our lives.

Is it any wonder how we treat our elderly and the unborn, how we entertain ourselves, what we consider important?  Because of our apathy, truth was the first casualty.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Three Guys Out

Long Term Goals

A couple of weeks ago I went out with two friends from my church.  It was a great time of Brazilian fare, good beer, and great camaraderie.  As it is with men my age the talk always transitions from current events to work to ideas.

This night was no different.  By the end of the night we were swapping ideas and dreaming of developing products that would make life easier for folks.  As I explained in a previous post, my wife gets to hear all about my crazy ideas. Therefore, it was good to know that there are others like myself that have this creative gene in their DNA.

As a result of this night, I have really focused on this pursuit. The benefits will be; to create a product that will help people, be somewhat revolutionary, and to provide for me and my family another income stream.  To aid me in this endeavor I researched book and found a book that might be able to help, One Simple Idea: Turn Your Dreams into a Licensing Goldmine While Letting Others Do the Work by Stephen Key.  This is a very interesting book that walks a budding inventor through the process of licensing their product or idea. Thus far it has been very informative and not some kind of "get rich quick" scheme.

As I right this entry I can see my inventor's log book justing waiting for me to add plans and prototypes.  This is one long term goal that is starting to develop. 

Saturday, August 6, 2011

I Messed up and I'm Happy about It!!!

Long Term Goals

I just finished reading Little Bets by Peter Sims.  It was an interesting book that promotes the idea that  small ideas can lead to great success.  These little ideas start off in one shape and then can morph into something completely new, as long as we aren't afraid to make a mistake.

I think that has been one of my biggest weaknesses.  After reading this book, I see that taking small, calculated chances, is not all that bad.  Here are few excerpts from the book:

"Ingenious ideas rarely spring into people's minds fully formed: they emerge through a rigorous experimental discovery approach."

"By the time they are six and half years old they stop asking questions because they quickly learn that teachers value the right answers more than provocative questions."

"By expecting to get things right at the start, we block ourselves psychologically and choke off a host of opportunities to learn.  In placing so much emphasis on minimizing errors or the risk of any kind of failure, we shut of chances to identify the insights that drive creative progress."

When I look at any success I have achieved in my career, I'm reminded that it was usually a process of trial and error.  I hope I remember this in the future, especially in this economy.