Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Water over the Bulkhead

All Goals

Back in the late 90's President Clinton was waist deep in the Monica Lewinsky scandal.  During this time I remember there was much debate about whether the President's personal dealings had any bearing on this ability to lead and to be trusted.  I'm not totally convinced that it wouldn't have any affect.  Remember how he shook his finger at the television/American people and said, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman."  However, a little later he would go back on TV and say that he did indeed have relations with her. The point of this is not cast the former president in a bad light. It is to illustrate that all of the areas of life flow into each other. If you can picture water pouring over the bulkheads of a ship, you get the idea. A  failure in his personal life affected him professionally; him lying to the American public.

As I have undertaken this blog of tracking and reporting my goals it has become clear to me that if one area of my life is affected, the others will be as well.  Basically, if you pay attention to one area, others will benefit, if neglect one area, another will be negatively impacted.  Here are a few examples:

If my wife and I were spendthrifts with a mountain of debt the results could be detrimental to our marriage. Money arguments would start to flair up as we tried paying our expenses.  Then, because money - or the lack there of - is always on my mind, I look desperate when I make calls on prospects and clients.  After not being able to pull in any new business I start to worry about getting fired and come home grumpy all the time and take it out on my family.

Let's say I stopped caring about my health.  Here's what will take place.  At my age everything is starting to slow down.  Because of this my cholesterol will shoot up if I don't' worry about eating healthy and stopped working out.  As a result of my declining health, my life insurance premiums would increase. Additionally, my energy level would decrease and would leave me not wanting to play with my child because I'm too tired. I suffer, but most importantly, my wife and child would as well.

In the area of faith, if I stopped my study of the Lord's Word and receiving His gifts my soul would be vulnerable.  I remember how St. Augustine explained the allure of the world and the war it rages against us:

But that new will which had begun to spring up in me freely to worship thee and to enjoy thee, O my God, the only certain Joy, was not able as yet to overcome my former willfulness, made strong by long indulgence. Thus my two wills--the old and the new, the carnal and the spiritual--were in conflict within me; and by their discord they tore my soul apart.

As you can see, everything is connected.  Let's get that water flowing.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Secret World


My wife and I celebrated out sixth anniversary last month.  For our anniversary we went and saw Peter Gabriel perform live in our home town. What made this show ironic was that on this same date six years prior, we danced our first two dances as a married couple to two of his songs.  It was an incredible performance and one that I have anticipated for many years.

As I looked back at our time together and reflected on the "married life" I remembered the live version of one my all-time favorite songs, "Secret World", and it happens to be by Peter Gabriel as well.  In this first clip below, Peter introduces the song by explaining how close a married couple can be and how they can disappear into their "Secret World."

Back when we were dating we would be close on the couch and talk and share things about ourselves.  I told her at that time that I had hoped that we would always be this close and that we would disappear into our secret world. Here we are six years later.  We are at the point were we can exchange a look or two words and know what the other is thinking.  We can tell by a touch what the other is feeling.  We can be quite and still be connected in our Secret World.....


I like this version a little better, but both are good.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

The Transmission will Probably Fall Out Now

Personal Finance

Such is life that there will always be unexpected expenses and emergencies that require cash.  In the last year while trying to payoff our debt, I can't count the times that I had to debit our Emergency Fund.  How fortunate we were to have it in place although it wasn't large enough to cover one month's expenses.

As of our last pay day, we met our goal of having three months expenses in an account. It is because of this, that if a problem should arise, we won't have to worry about making a rash decision or use debt.  I have to admit, there is a great amount of peace of mine that comes with being debt free and having an emergency fund.

I can just imagine what is around the corner.  Oh, that's right, it's covered.