Saturday, April 23, 2011

Say IT!

Self Improvement / Intellectual

Sometimes in the pursuit of a goal, you will have set backs.  I had one the other day at Toastmasters.  During the meeting I was asked to come up and speak during the Table Topics portion.  During Table Topics the appointed host will ask members to come forward to answer whatever question the host asks.  The purpose of this exercise to is work on our extemporaneous speaking skills.

On this occasion I spoke about the Day of Resurrection.  While giving a passionate explanation of the day my heart starting pumping out of chest, my voice quivered, and I almost couldn't get out what I wanted to say.  It was probably one of the worst Table Topics speech I have ever given in my two years of attending. 

Two days latter at a luncheon the same thing almost happened again; this time I was with a client. At my table there was a minister and her husband and a gentleman from our local public television station.  While we were making small talk the topic of religion came up and I was asked my opinion regarding a certain subject.  As I presented my case my heart started pumping, adrenaline coursed through me, and I started feeling a little nervous.  I thought to myself, "Oh no!  Not again!"

One thing is clear after these two days - I need to understand that if I'm talking about my faith, be careful.

Friday, April 22, 2011


The Faith / Spirituality

Many years ago my pastor told me, "There are only two kinds of religion in this world; the two letter-kind and the four letter-kind."  When I heard this I was very intrigued that all religions could be narrowed down to just two schools of thought. He went on to explain that the two letter-kind is the word "do" which means what you must do in order to make it to heaven or an elevated place in the next life.  The four letter-kind is "done" that is what has been done for you because you can't "do." 

Good Friday is here.  This is the day that we observe what has been done for us.  This sacrifice of ours to our God - one that He provided - is for the atonement of our sins.  While atonement was being made for us by Jesus, He said the following from our cross:

THE FIRST WORD "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do." Gospel of Luke 23:34

How many times have we been wronged for the slightest offense and hold back forgiveness. However, He took the punishment that was ours.

THE SECOND WORD "Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise." Gospel of Luke 23:43

We often hold our tongues rather than proclaim the Gospel to our neighbors. However, He is the Gospel and freed the captives by taking our punishment.


THE THIRD WORD "Jesus said to his mother: "Woman, this is your son".
Then he said to the disciple: "This is your mother." Gospel of John 19:26-27

Throughout our lives we have despised and held back honor from our parents. Jesus died for this sin. He loved His mother and provided for her from the cross.


THE FOURTH WORD "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"
Matthew 27:46 and Mark 15:34

Many times we forsake God. Jesus would pray this Psalm when God could not look upon Him and would do for us what we could not.


Gospel of John 19:28

In the Beatitudes, Jesus said, "Blessed are you that hunger and thirst for righteousness." When we should thirst for the gifts of God, we drink from what this world has to offer. Jesus poured out His blood to for us to satisfy our souls by cleansing us from all sin.


THE SIXTH WORD When Jesus had received the wine, he said,
"It is finished";
and he bowed his head and handed over the spirit.
Gospel of John 19:30

PAID IN FULL!!! For all that we could not do and for all that we have done. DONE!


THE SEVENTH WORD   Jesus cried out in a loud voice,
"Father, into your hands I commend my spirit": Gospel of Luke 23:46

On the last day we will cry out the same because of Him and what He has Done for us.

Who on the tree of the cross didst give salvation unto mankind that, whence death arose, thence Life also might rise again; and that he who by a tree once overcame might likewise by a tree be overcome, through Christ, our Lord; through whom with angels and archangels and with all the company of heaven we laud and magnify Thy glorious name, evermore praising Thee......

Driving past a church the other day I noticed the message on their sign. It said, "While Jesus was on the cross, you were on His mind."

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Behind the Curtain

The Faith

A couple of years ago I went for a long period of time without looking at my checking account balance.  I know, after looking at my goals on this site you are probably saying to yourself, "How can this be?"  It's a long boring story as to why I did this, therefore, I won't go into.  However, there came a day when I had enough and wanted to find out what was in my account, but then I lost my courage because of what I was afraid that there wasn't as much in the account as I thought.  This cycle actually went on and on for about two years. 

Recently a friend asked me about my faith and what I believe about suffering and pain in this world.  While researching my response to her question I came across this quote:

 "Not that I am (I think) in much  danger of ceasing to believe in God.  The real danger is of coming to believe such dreadful things about Him. The conclusion I dread is not, , "So there's no God at all," but "So this is what God's really like.  Deceive yourself no longer." C.S. Lewis The Problem of Pain 

In 1999 I had a "mountain top" faith experience.  It was an incredible moment in my life that I will never forget. I'm not sure if it was genuine, but it set me on a course to discover what God has done for me/us through Jesus.  At that same time I was going through a very difficult heart breaking experience. As I was learning more about the Lord I tried to understand the actions of the person that hurt me and if it was all organized by God; predestined.  It drove me crazy trying to figure it out - it was like a big shell game - is He under here, is He under there?

I asked my dad for and advice and he told me a story of St. Augustine and how he tried to explain the mysteries of God. Augustine said trying to understand the ways of God was like digging a hole in beach and trying to empty the ocean into it.  Even today I hear from fellow believers, "I wonder what God's plan is for my life?" 

After thinking about this subject for many years I have reached the lofty conclusion;  I have no idea how God works in the midst of pain and suffering and whether he allows it, initiated it, or uses it to turn evil into good (think Joseph and his brothers).   Well wait a minute, maybe I do.  I remember that during my lowest points there He was with me. 

The Lord was with me during my broken heart, at the scene of a horrific accident, and at the death bed of my father.  I don't know if He predestined these events or just let them happen.  If He did let them happen, then for what purpose?  I'm told by Holy Scripture to "have the faith of child."  When I tell my little one something about life, she generally doesn't question it.  When the Lord says, "And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age" maybe I should heed His word and trust Him. 

Isaiah 55:8-9 (English Standard Version)
8For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD.
9(A) For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

First Quarter Goals Review


The first quarter in my pursuit of my goals is behind me.  This is also the first quarter in the life of this blog.  What have I learned, what have I accomplished?  Well, it's been busy. 

I do have to say that having my goals listed in a public forum seems to drive me to achieve them.  Everyday when I arrive at my office the first thing I do is check my progress by reviewing my list.  Other times throughout my day I'm  thinking about the progress I'm making, what I should be working on, and making lists.  It has really surprised me just how much mental activity that is produced.  Sometimes it seems a little too intense and creepy.  As with anything new, this should fade and I will learn to manage it better. 

Here is what has happened:

My wife and I went on many dates.  One in particular allowed us the opportunity to dress up.  That is always a fun time for us.  I especially enjoy seeing my wife all "dolled up."  If there was any room for improvement I would say that date night needs to be on Saturday night.  Friday night I have to rush home then we rush out to make it to dinner only to have to wait to be seated.  Then we have to eat quickly in order to make it to the movie.

Spiritual/The Faith     
Every morning before work I take about thirty minutes to explore the riches of the faith.  Currently, I'm reading through the People's Bible Commentary on Gospel of Matthew and reviewing the readings for the upcoming Sunday Divine Service.  I have been in the Gospel of Matthew since last fall.  I enjoy this method of devotions and study.  I should be finished with Matthew in about a month.  I will start on the Book of Genesis next. 

Additionally, every Friday morning at 6am I attend a men's Bible study at my church.  Currently we are studying the Acts of the Apostles.  This is one of my favorite books in the Bible.  There is something about studying the beginning of something that intrigues me.  Every time I read this book of the Bible, I can visualize the Apostle Paul walking through Greece spreading the Gospel. I wish they would make a movie the Acts. 

We accomplished a goal that started four years ago; we paid off all of our debt except the mortgage.  Now, we are well on our way to achieving our next goal; an emergency fund of three months living expenses. 

It has been an incredible thought provoking, difficult, exhilarating time in regards to my career.  Currently, my company is going through many changes.  There have been layoffs and a merger is in the future. The situation has prompted me to consider my long term career plans.  While I love what I do, I am considering a change.  The change keeps me in the same industry, but it will be a tremendous change from how I am paid, my expertise, and would require me to start from scratch in building a client base. 

I can choose to play it safe and continue in my current position.  I had a very good review and I have been somewhat successful. My future, according to my manager, looks bright.   However, I will continue investigating the opportunities that have been presented to me. In fact, another one was added just this weekend.  It's great to be wanted, but it is driving me crazy.

This is has been a terrible time for me in regards to my health and exercise.  In the next quarter I need to make this a focus.  I now have an unofficial goal of being able to run three miles in one session.  At times I really hate running. 

Intellectual / Self Improvement
Three books down and the fourth will be completed soon.  It's been a good time in my pursuit of self improvement.  At times I can't get enough of learning.  Recently I signed up for an internal IRA course.  I'm working on one module a week and should have this completed in 30 days.  Additionally, I have started reading a chapter a week from my Private Wealth Management book.  I'm studying this book like I did in college with note cards. 

To accomplish this I'm working on these two areas during my lunch when I don't have an appointment or around 4:30.

Long Term Goals      
One of our long term goals is to purchase a new home.  With the paying off of our debts, this goal is starting to come into focus.  After our emergency fund is fully funded in June every pay day funds will be deposited into the "house" account. Let the dreaming begin.