Saturday, April 23, 2011

Say IT!

Self Improvement / Intellectual

Sometimes in the pursuit of a goal, you will have set backs.  I had one the other day at Toastmasters.  During the meeting I was asked to come up and speak during the Table Topics portion.  During Table Topics the appointed host will ask members to come forward to answer whatever question the host asks.  The purpose of this exercise to is work on our extemporaneous speaking skills.

On this occasion I spoke about the Day of Resurrection.  While giving a passionate explanation of the day my heart starting pumping out of chest, my voice quivered, and I almost couldn't get out what I wanted to say.  It was probably one of the worst Table Topics speech I have ever given in my two years of attending. 

Two days latter at a luncheon the same thing almost happened again; this time I was with a client. At my table there was a minister and her husband and a gentleman from our local public television station.  While we were making small talk the topic of religion came up and I was asked my opinion regarding a certain subject.  As I presented my case my heart started pumping, adrenaline coursed through me, and I started feeling a little nervous.  I thought to myself, "Oh no!  Not again!"

One thing is clear after these two days - I need to understand that if I'm talking about my faith, be careful.

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