Sunday, April 10, 2011

First Quarter Goals Review


The first quarter in my pursuit of my goals is behind me.  This is also the first quarter in the life of this blog.  What have I learned, what have I accomplished?  Well, it's been busy. 

I do have to say that having my goals listed in a public forum seems to drive me to achieve them.  Everyday when I arrive at my office the first thing I do is check my progress by reviewing my list.  Other times throughout my day I'm  thinking about the progress I'm making, what I should be working on, and making lists.  It has really surprised me just how much mental activity that is produced.  Sometimes it seems a little too intense and creepy.  As with anything new, this should fade and I will learn to manage it better. 

Here is what has happened:

My wife and I went on many dates.  One in particular allowed us the opportunity to dress up.  That is always a fun time for us.  I especially enjoy seeing my wife all "dolled up."  If there was any room for improvement I would say that date night needs to be on Saturday night.  Friday night I have to rush home then we rush out to make it to dinner only to have to wait to be seated.  Then we have to eat quickly in order to make it to the movie.

Spiritual/The Faith     
Every morning before work I take about thirty minutes to explore the riches of the faith.  Currently, I'm reading through the People's Bible Commentary on Gospel of Matthew and reviewing the readings for the upcoming Sunday Divine Service.  I have been in the Gospel of Matthew since last fall.  I enjoy this method of devotions and study.  I should be finished with Matthew in about a month.  I will start on the Book of Genesis next. 

Additionally, every Friday morning at 6am I attend a men's Bible study at my church.  Currently we are studying the Acts of the Apostles.  This is one of my favorite books in the Bible.  There is something about studying the beginning of something that intrigues me.  Every time I read this book of the Bible, I can visualize the Apostle Paul walking through Greece spreading the Gospel. I wish they would make a movie the Acts. 

We accomplished a goal that started four years ago; we paid off all of our debt except the mortgage.  Now, we are well on our way to achieving our next goal; an emergency fund of three months living expenses. 

It has been an incredible thought provoking, difficult, exhilarating time in regards to my career.  Currently, my company is going through many changes.  There have been layoffs and a merger is in the future. The situation has prompted me to consider my long term career plans.  While I love what I do, I am considering a change.  The change keeps me in the same industry, but it will be a tremendous change from how I am paid, my expertise, and would require me to start from scratch in building a client base. 

I can choose to play it safe and continue in my current position.  I had a very good review and I have been somewhat successful. My future, according to my manager, looks bright.   However, I will continue investigating the opportunities that have been presented to me. In fact, another one was added just this weekend.  It's great to be wanted, but it is driving me crazy.

This is has been a terrible time for me in regards to my health and exercise.  In the next quarter I need to make this a focus.  I now have an unofficial goal of being able to run three miles in one session.  At times I really hate running. 

Intellectual / Self Improvement
Three books down and the fourth will be completed soon.  It's been a good time in my pursuit of self improvement.  At times I can't get enough of learning.  Recently I signed up for an internal IRA course.  I'm working on one module a week and should have this completed in 30 days.  Additionally, I have started reading a chapter a week from my Private Wealth Management book.  I'm studying this book like I did in college with note cards. 

To accomplish this I'm working on these two areas during my lunch when I don't have an appointment or around 4:30.

Long Term Goals      
One of our long term goals is to purchase a new home.  With the paying off of our debts, this goal is starting to come into focus.  After our emergency fund is fully funded in June every pay day funds will be deposited into the "house" account. Let the dreaming begin. 

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