
I must continue to develop intelligence.  This can be accomplished primarily through reading.  I've heard that "Leaders read."  In the last two years I have increased my reading level. Most of these books have been in the self help and business areas. 

Goals for 2012

Goal #1                                                         
Read twelve books                    

Why is this important?
Reading exercises the mind and stimulates it in ways that other mediums can not.  It is also important because it helps me in my career by energizing my execution.

I plan on reading books about the following for work: Sales, management/leadership, and investing.   Additionally, I want to read a book or two about the faith.  Lastly, read one book that has nothing to do with either areas.

Time frame
By year end, 12/31

Progress/ Finished
1. SPIN Selling by Neil Rackham
2. Built to Last by Jim Collins
3. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
4. The Million Dollar Financial Practice by David Mullen Jr.
5. The Million Dollar Financial Advisor by David Mullen Jr.
6. The Founder's Almanac: A Practical Guide to the Notable Events, Greatest Leaders & Most Eloquent Words of the American Founding
7. Retired Racing Greyhounds for Dummies

  Goal #2                                                         
Give three speeches in Toastmasters              

Why is this important?
Communication is paramount to what I do.  If I'm able to articulate our products and services as well as my ideas well, I will go further in my career.

Time frame
By year end

Progress/ Finished
1/31 - He that Lookth
2/25 - Our Greatest Fans

Blogs in this category
The Lab

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