Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Daily Grind


This year I really wanted to place an emphasis on my health. This is not because my health is all that bad.  Actually, I am quite healthy according to my doctor and my blood tests.  I just want to make sure that I am taking care of myself for the rest of my life. By making it a daily - well almost daily - habit, it will just be something I do. 

I started this goal two years when my wife suggested that we buy a tread mill.  When we purchased it, we bought  a weight bench as well.  As it turns out, I started using them in the morning before I went to work.  I have really come to enjoy my workouts and my health has definitely improved.  I have more energy, my cholesterol is in check, and I have lost most of my gut. 

However, it has been difficult here in the winter to get up and workout. My workouts are not killer sessions, but my motivation has been lacking. It has been my goal, this year, to work out four times a week.  I have averaged about twice a week.  I have noticed that it has been easier to get now that the sun is coming up earlier. Hopefully, with the sun being my motivating factor, I can increase my number to at least three times a week.

1 comment:

  1. It's ok to go a small amount of time between work outs to let your body "rest." ESPECIALLY when you've been out of town or getting over a cold. Sometimes working out so frequently causes you to plateau, which means you're actually not getting the best benefits from your workout because your body is so used to the routine. A little time off from it actually counteracts this.

    You worry too much about maintaining your workout schedule. Don't let it rule your life, sometimes catching up on a few extra zzzz's in the AM is more important, Mr. Bathtub Push-Up Man.
