All Goals
I had to call a client the other day to ask him/her a question. As usual, it went to voice mail. My client went through the normal voice mail message, "I'm not available to take your call...blah, blah, blah." Then he ended it with, "Please listen carefully, What you focus on, grows." I thought that it was kind of hokey, but I considered the source - my client is in sales and motivation.
What we focus on does grow, there is no doubt about it. Take for example the article attached. The author cites our country's debt in the 1800's and what Andrew Jackson did to eliminate it. President Jackson focused on reducing the national debt because he saw it as a problem for our country. The author explained it well,
President Jackson was very passionate about achieving this national goal. He was incredibly determined to eliminate the national debt because of something deep down inside him. As a result, he was able to motivate others to believe in the payoff.
This example is true for us today while we work to achieve our goals. Just remember, a goal without discipline is just a dream. However, to develop discipline, we have to be able to see a payoff first. Let's say you want to be debt free. If just left at that, great goal. However, that alone is not much to motivate you in the day to day pursuit of completing it. What it comes down to is you have to see why it's important to achieve this. You must be convinced of this to the point that it gets deep in your soul. After it becomes part of your core convictions, discipline is established. Then and only then will you have the fuel necessary to achieve the goal.
I had to call a client the other day to ask him/her a question. As usual, it went to voice mail. My client went through the normal voice mail message, "I'm not available to take your call...blah, blah, blah." Then he ended it with, "Please listen carefully, What you focus on, grows." I thought that it was kind of hokey, but I considered the source - my client is in sales and motivation.
What we focus on does grow, there is no doubt about it. Take for example the article attached. The author cites our country's debt in the 1800's and what Andrew Jackson did to eliminate it. President Jackson focused on reducing the national debt because he saw it as a problem for our country. The author explained it well,
"The elimination of the national debt did not happen simply because the country was prosperous and expanding. It happened because Andrew Jackson was determined to make it happen, and he did everything within his constitutional power to bring it about."
President Jackson was very passionate about achieving this national goal. He was incredibly determined to eliminate the national debt because of something deep down inside him. As a result, he was able to motivate others to believe in the payoff.
This example is true for us today while we work to achieve our goals. Just remember, a goal without discipline is just a dream. However, to develop discipline, we have to be able to see a payoff first. Let's say you want to be debt free. If just left at that, great goal. However, that alone is not much to motivate you in the day to day pursuit of completing it. What it comes down to is you have to see why it's important to achieve this. You must be convinced of this to the point that it gets deep in your soul. After it becomes part of your core convictions, discipline is established. Then and only then will you have the fuel necessary to achieve the goal.
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