One of my goals is to prepare a question and answer book for my child(ren). I've been working on this throughout the year and I don't really have a deadline to finish it. The questions are very good and address just about every stage of my life. Here are a couple:- What Childhood Experiences do you feel shaped you the most?
- Describe your childhood neighborhood
- What is your favorite way to spend a day of leisure?
In addition to the questions in the book I added another section. This section addresses the most significant areas of our lives and my advice for each category. The following is a list of the areas where I give advice and some things, but not all, that I want remembered:
Random things that I always want you to remember
My child, here is a list of things that I have learned over my years. Just because I have listed these things to remember, I do not want you to think that I mastered them. Everything you do in your life can be placed in one these areas; The Faith, Relationships, Career, Health, Personal Finance, When looking for a spouse, Intellectual, miscellaneous.
The Faith
§ 8but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 5:8 English Standard Version (ESV) <This is the Gospel in a "nutshell." When the understanding of the faith becomes difficult, return to this.
- Try to study the Word every day. Your study doesn’t need to be an hour long. Our days are very hectic. Therefore, try reading a chapter or two from the Bible daily if you are really short on time. Maybe review the readings for the next Sunday. Always remember, this in an extremely important part of your day.
- Everyone goes about his or her faith life differently. Focus on yours and be careful not to judge others, for you never know what is going on in their private life.
- It is 8.28.2011. As I write this, your mother is getting ready for church and you are watching Thomas the Tank engine. I look over at you and realize that you may walk away and even deny the faith in your teens and 20’s. I did in my 20’s and I will always have regrets about my life away from the Lord. However, I always remember His Presence during those times. He never left me and He will never leave you.
- Beware of old philosophies that are disguised as new. Your college professors and some of your friends want your mind and want to convince you that you are a simpleton for believing in your Christ. Instead of getting mad at them, pray for them, for they are only doing what unbelievers do.
Your Country
- The United States of America is the greatest country ever. We are not great because of our wealth, for it is only a result of what truly makes us great – it is our freedom. When I say “freedom” I am saying that freedom means we have the ability and obligation to do what is right. We however, never have the freedom to choose the wrong.
- If you see a soldier and have an opportunity, thank this person for their service to our great country. Don't' forget to thank their husband or wife as well. They were supporting the soldier at home while the soldier was off protecting our country.
- Whenever you are in attendance at an event where the National Anthem is playing, put your right hand over your heart and be quiet. Consider the blessings this county affords to you and all that went before us to win and secure them.
- Your name and honor is worth more than any amount of money. Protect it with all of your might. Just look at the last paragraph of the Declaration of Independence to see proof of the importance of your name. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.
- At a certain age you will see your parents as they really are; imperfect people. Love them anyway. Don’t forget, you will probably be a parent one day yourself.
- If someone is serving you, treat them with the highest amount of dignity and respect. I don’t care if you become a celebrity or the President. Everyone has value and nobody is beneath you. The Christ that died for your sins, died for theirs as well.
- Be humble but not a pushover.
- Imitate Christ.
- When you are facing a problem that requires your supervisor’s assistance, come to him or her with what you think is the solution. Your grandfather taught me this.
- It has been said, “If you help people get what they want, they will give you what you want.”
- Never forget, in your career you are serving someone. It’s a high calling to be in the service of another.
- Currently, business people are considered the “bad guys.” If you think about it, most business is done in an ethical manner.
- Today we were watching trains - your favorite things at this moment - move freight. I got to thinking about it and if you were older I would ask you this question, "What do you see here? Do you see trains, freight, and tracks only?" I would tell you that I see "trust." Someone first trusted before anything was started. Therefore, you see, business in someways, is a spiritual exercise. Trust is paramount to doing good business.
- Try to work out a couple of times weekly. Even if it’s a light work out, it’s good to get movin’.
- Don't ever do drugs, ever! Contrary to what many believe, marijuana usually leads to other drug use. I have seen this up close and personal with people I know.
- God owns it all. You are just a manager. “Be diligent with the little things…..”
- Stay away from all debt except in some ways a mortgage and if that mortgage is less than 25% of your monthly take home pay.
- Consumer debt and not budgeting is one of the main reasons why the middle class is broke. It took me well into my 30’s to understand this. For validation of this, read The Millionaire Next Door.
- These days, everyone wants to rely on the government to fix his or her life. You are responsible for your life. Yes, the government can help, but you have all the tools to make a life for yourself. Don’t’ become a slave to the government with low expectations of yourself and your country. This is the United States of America and you have the opportunity to become a success in your own way.
- Be a cheerful giver. That means all of yourself; time, talent, and treasure.
- Cash is "king."
- Have an emergency fund of 3-6 months of monthly expenses.
When looking for a spouse and how to treat this person
- Look for character first, not a “character.”
- Remember, beauty on the outside is not the same as inner-beauty. I remember a story about your beautiful mother that illustrates this - she has both. On our wedding day your mother noticed that the photographer wasn't going to eat and that a place wasn't made for her to sit at a table. Your mom found a table with some of our friends for her and asked the waiter to bring her a plate.
- If faith is – and it better be – important to you, don’t marry someone from outside your denomination. I know this is a hard lesson. However, if you get involved with someone of a different faith or denomination, there will be many problems ahead. Don’t hope that this person will magically come around. Yes, there are times that it has worked, but it will be an enormous challenge. Marriage is under assault today, don't add to it.
Intellectual/Self Improvement
- Make goals; short term and long term. Most people don’t, therefore, they know exactly where they are going.
- Become a reader. It has been said that leaders are readers.
- If you want self esteem, do something. If you fail at it, good! That is how we learn. You earn self esteem, it is not given to you.
- Watch your passions - especially your appetites. Make sure they don’t control you. Stay disciplined in your thinking.
- When trying to make a decision or after you made a bad decision, always ask yourself, "What is the real reason why I did it like that?" Know yourself......