Family / Spouse
My wife and I had a date night recently. It was different from our usual outing. Usually, we eat at one of our favorite restaurants then catch a movie. However, this time we decided to skip the movie and find a piano bar. After checking out a few piano bars we decided that it just wasn't happening. We thought about it and decided to have drinks and dessert at a upscale hotel in our fair city.
The restaurant had a panoramic view of the entire city. It was spectacular to say the least. As we set there for about an hour and a half. During this time, we talked for a little bit and other times we stayed quite and enjoyed a moment of peace in a busy life. We'll have to do again soon.
This is a journal about pursuing, struggling, and achieving goals, and what I learn along the way.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Sunday, May 22, 2011
First Words
Spirituality / The Faith
As you can see from my Spirituality / The Faith goal page, my current goal is to study Genesis in the Bible and use a commentary as well. In this morning's study of Genesis Chapter 2, the author of the commentary pointed out a couple of interesting facts that I had never considered. Here is the verse before I proceed:
Genesis 2:21-23 (English Standard Version)21So the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh. 22And the rib that the LORD God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man. 23Then the man said,
"This at last is bone of my bones
and flesh of my flesh;
she shall be called Woman,
because she was taken out of Man."
In verse 23 these are the first recorded words of man. It is important to note that these words are in praise of the great and wonderful gift that was given to him; his wife. The author further illustrates by saying, "Even though he'd been asleep, he understood where she had come from and what her relationship was to him. He rejoiced at this magnificent gift; he agreed with God that here was a helper suitable for him every way."
I might be taking license with this verse, but there may be some truth to this. With the formation of Eve out of the side of Adam, the first church was established. Like our first parents on that first day of their church praised God for what He has done, we on Sunday mornings begin with a hymn of praise for what He has done for us as well. Secondly, like the first church that was birthed out of the side of the first Adam, the second church was birthed out of the side of the second Adam. This second birth provides salvation for all those who believe.
As you can see from my Spirituality / The Faith goal page, my current goal is to study Genesis in the Bible and use a commentary as well. In this morning's study of Genesis Chapter 2, the author of the commentary pointed out a couple of interesting facts that I had never considered. Here is the verse before I proceed:
Genesis 2:21-23 (English Standard Version)21So the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh. 22And the rib that the LORD God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man. 23Then the man said,
"This at last is bone of my bones
and flesh of my flesh;
she shall be called Woman,
because she was taken out of Man."
In verse 23 these are the first recorded words of man. It is important to note that these words are in praise of the great and wonderful gift that was given to him; his wife. The author further illustrates by saying, "Even though he'd been asleep, he understood where she had come from and what her relationship was to him. He rejoiced at this magnificent gift; he agreed with God that here was a helper suitable for him every way."
I might be taking license with this verse, but there may be some truth to this. With the formation of Eve out of the side of Adam, the first church was established. Like our first parents on that first day of their church praised God for what He has done, we on Sunday mornings begin with a hymn of praise for what He has done for us as well. Secondly, like the first church that was birthed out of the side of the first Adam, the second church was birthed out of the side of the second Adam. This second birth provides salvation for all those who believe.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Note card
My very first class that I took in college was Psychology 101. This is not important necessarily because of what I learned about psychology, but it something else entirely. It was because of the instructor of this course that I learned how to study. Looking back at it, I can't believe how simple his idea was. He said you need to make up note cards after each class then flip through them once a day. His theory was that by reviewing them once a day you wouldn't have to cram for finals. He was right. As it turned out, I used this method throughout my entire college experience to much success.
About a year ago I was approached by the director of a wealth management shop here in my town. He was interested in me becoming a wealth management advisor for his firm. Keep in mind that this position is not picking stocks for clients. In this position I would go and find clients, develop a team around them, and then present what we can do for them.
While this position was very intriguing and the salary significant, I didn't proceed with the interview process. After looking back at that meeting, the reason that I didn't pursue the position was due to my own perceived lack of experience. However, from this meeting I decided that I wanted to become more of a wealth advisor for my clients and not just their banker.
In order to be seen in a new light I concluded that I needed more education in all things wealth management. Right after that meeting I ordered a book, Private Wealth Management, and tore right into it. It was fascinating and difficult to read and I made it about a third of the way in about three months before I decided to read something else.
Recently, I finished three on-line classes that my employer offers. After thinking about my next education opportunity, I decided to pick up that wealth management book again. This time it was going to be different in how I studied it. This time I made it a goal to study the book one chapter at a time, make note cards, and then flip through them once a day. This is just like my college days.
To make time for studying, at the end of the work day I try to set aside about 1/2 hour. Most days I can fit it in and as it turns out, I have come to look forward to this time of my day. Since starting this exercise, I can sense my confidence growing; as evidenced by speaking out more often in client meetings. This will be part of my career until the day I "retire."
Here's to the simple ideas. Here's to a teacher from 1992.
My very first class that I took in college was Psychology 101. This is not important necessarily because of what I learned about psychology, but it something else entirely. It was because of the instructor of this course that I learned how to study. Looking back at it, I can't believe how simple his idea was. He said you need to make up note cards after each class then flip through them once a day. His theory was that by reviewing them once a day you wouldn't have to cram for finals. He was right. As it turned out, I used this method throughout my entire college experience to much success.
About a year ago I was approached by the director of a wealth management shop here in my town. He was interested in me becoming a wealth management advisor for his firm. Keep in mind that this position is not picking stocks for clients. In this position I would go and find clients, develop a team around them, and then present what we can do for them.
While this position was very intriguing and the salary significant, I didn't proceed with the interview process. After looking back at that meeting, the reason that I didn't pursue the position was due to my own perceived lack of experience. However, from this meeting I decided that I wanted to become more of a wealth advisor for my clients and not just their banker.
In order to be seen in a new light I concluded that I needed more education in all things wealth management. Right after that meeting I ordered a book, Private Wealth Management, and tore right into it. It was fascinating and difficult to read and I made it about a third of the way in about three months before I decided to read something else.
Recently, I finished three on-line classes that my employer offers. After thinking about my next education opportunity, I decided to pick up that wealth management book again. This time it was going to be different in how I studied it. This time I made it a goal to study the book one chapter at a time, make note cards, and then flip through them once a day. This is just like my college days.
To make time for studying, at the end of the work day I try to set aside about 1/2 hour. Most days I can fit it in and as it turns out, I have come to look forward to this time of my day. Since starting this exercise, I can sense my confidence growing; as evidenced by speaking out more often in client meetings. This will be part of my career until the day I "retire."
Here's to the simple ideas. Here's to a teacher from 1992.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Smokin' in the Boys Room
The field that I'm in is very competitive. Therefore, in my position as a wealth management advisor I'm always on the look out for new clients. With that in mind, I guess that it shouldn't surprise me that I actually met a prospect while washing my hands in the restroom of building where my office is located.
I couldn't believe it. Here I was talking about my division's wealth management capabilities to a potential million dollar client in the RESTROOM. The longer I'm in this field, the more I believe that just showing up, being presentable, friendly, and somewhat knowledgeable, goes a long way.
Here is what has happened since my chance meeting; I called the prospect, explained our capabilities, asked him about his current investment relationship, and set the appointment to introduce to our team. I wish it was always this easy. However, the sale hasn't been made yet.
The field that I'm in is very competitive. Therefore, in my position as a wealth management advisor I'm always on the look out for new clients. With that in mind, I guess that it shouldn't surprise me that I actually met a prospect while washing my hands in the restroom of building where my office is located.
I couldn't believe it. Here I was talking about my division's wealth management capabilities to a potential million dollar client in the RESTROOM. The longer I'm in this field, the more I believe that just showing up, being presentable, friendly, and somewhat knowledgeable, goes a long way.
Here is what has happened since my chance meeting; I called the prospect, explained our capabilities, asked him about his current investment relationship, and set the appointment to introduce to our team. I wish it was always this easy. However, the sale hasn't been made yet.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Stepping up to the Plate
Self Improvement / Intellectual
I finally delivered my first speech of the year. My goal was to give it by March 31st, therefore, I'm a little late. It's kind of funny how this all came about.
For the last couple of weeks I have really wanted to give a speech. However, the one I'm working wasn't ready. Then as luck would have it, I received an email this morning. My mentor asked me if I wanted to be a speaker today because we didn't have one. I thought about it and told him that I would. There was only one problem, the only speech that I could give was one that I delivered a year ago.
I stepped up to the podium, my heart pounding out of my chest, my palms were clammy and launched into it. As it turned out, I was able to deliver it without my notes - I did use a different ending than the one written here. I couldn't believe I was able to do it. It wasn't perfect, but it went well and it built up my confidence.
I finally delivered my first speech of the year. My goal was to give it by March 31st, therefore, I'm a little late. It's kind of funny how this all came about.
For the last couple of weeks I have really wanted to give a speech. However, the one I'm working wasn't ready. Then as luck would have it, I received an email this morning. My mentor asked me if I wanted to be a speaker today because we didn't have one. I thought about it and told him that I would. There was only one problem, the only speech that I could give was one that I delivered a year ago.
I stepped up to the podium, my heart pounding out of my chest, my palms were clammy and launched into it. As it turned out, I was able to deliver it without my notes - I did use a different ending than the one written here. I couldn't believe I was able to do it. It wasn't perfect, but it went well and it built up my confidence.
Speech Title | “Our Greatest Fans” |
Manual | The Competent Communicator Manual |
Speech project | #6 – Vocal Variety |
Time | 5-7 Minutes |
Purpose | Your voice has a major effect on your audience. A lively, exciting voice attracts and keeps listeners' attention. A speaking voice should be pleasant, natural, forceful, expressive and easily heard. Use volume, pitch, rate and quality as well as appropriate pauses to reflect and add meaning and interest to your message. Your voice should reflect the thoughts you are presenting. |
Project Objectives | § Use voice volume, pitch, rate and quality to reflect and add meaning and interest to your message. § Use pauses to enhance your message. § Use vocal variety smoothly and naturally. |
Bang!! The starter pistol fires opening the 400 meter sprint in the 1992 Summer Olympics.
The runners tear down the track as 65,000 fans cheer them on. Derek Redmond, the favored, is out in the lead after the first 100 meters. This was his second Olympics. Back in the ’88 Games about ten minutes before the race, he had to pull out because of Achilles tendon tear. If he only hangs on for the next 175 meters he will win the race and would fulfill dream of Olympic Gold. Then it happened. The unthinkable. As he was striding down the track in the lead he heard a pop in his right hamstring.
As he lies on the track he realizes that his dream is over, but he thinks of doing the impossible – finish the race. Derek waves off the medical crew who come with the stretcher and in searing pain he starts down the track to the roar of cheering fans.
About this time an older man starts pushing his way through the crowd of fans, jumps over the wall, and without any credentials he by passes security. He says to them, “That’s my son out there and he needs my help!”
With about 120 meters from the finish Jim Redmond reaches his son, and wraps his arm around his waist. "I'm here, son," Jim says softly, hugging his boy. "We'll finish together." Derek puts his arms around his father's shoulders and sobs.
Together, father and son, they make their way down the track to the sound of the 65,000 clapping, cheering, crying fans. With a couple of meters to go, Jim releases his hold on his son to allow him to finish the race under his own power.
Mr./Madam Toastmaster, fellow Toastmasters, and welcome guests.
I once heard it said that no one is self made. On the contrary, we are merely the products of countless words of encouragement, pats on the back, and hours of instruction. If we are fortunate, we all have these types of people in our lives. Derek Redmond certainly did with his father. You could say that the people who provide this support are our Greatest fans. How about you, who is yours? Mine is my dad.
It was 1983 and I was in eighth grade. During these years my dad was an over the road truck driver. He would be gone all week going to California , New York , Texas , anywhere that people needed Jimmy Dean pork sausage. In those days the only time that I saw my dad was on the weekends and very rarely during the week.
At this time in my life I played forward for my school’s basketball team. Although I was gifted with height, I was remarkably very average on the court. That didn’t matter to my dad; he was disappointed that he wasn’t able to make any of my games.
There was one time that he made it back home in the middle of the week. It just happened to be on game night and he was incredibly excited to be able to attend. The night was like any other game night. We started with lay-ups, free throws, and a three person passing drill. Then the game started. I wasn’t starting that game, but I knew that I would be brought in later on to give my teammates a break.
The first quarter went by and I was still sitting on the bench. Then the second started and I started to worry that I wouldn’t get any playing time. All the time sitting there waiting for my chance, I kept trying to make eye contact with coach in order for him to put me in – I couldn’t wait to play for my dad. The third quarter started and after substitutions were made, there I was, still sitting there. I thought to myself, “Surely he will put me in the fourth.” About half way through the last quarter it became apparent that I wasn’t going to be playing.
After the game ended we ran back into the locker room to shower and change back into our street clothes. I’m not sure why I needed a shower, I barely broke a sweat. As I was running in, I noticed my dad talking to my coach. It didn’t look like a pleasant conversation. On our way to the car my dad explained to me what they were discussing. He was letting my coach no in no uncertain terms that he was greatly disappointed that his son didn’t get any playing time and that he had waited for this night for a very long time.
I couldn’t believe my ears. What was he thinking? My dad sensed my turmoil and explained to me that one day I would understand. At that time it didn’t matter, my dad just embarrassed me and I was afraid that the coach would retaliate. However, quite the opposite took place. The next day, my coach gathered the team after practice and apologized for not playing certain players. He didn’t mention me by name; however, I played the entire next game. Unfortunately, my dad was back on the road and wasn’t able to make that one.
As I have grown older and now have a child of my own, I can understand why my dad had that conversation with my coach. I don’t know if I will do any different than my father did on that night. There are times throughout my day that I daydream about watching my daughter perform in sports, academia, or whatever her talent affords and hope she knows that I’m her biggest fan.
A couple of months after my dad went to be with the Lord, I ran into a lady that knew him. She asked me how he was doing. I told her that he had passed. She was surprised and was sad to hear it. However, she went on to tell me something that I will remember for the rest of my life. She said, “You know, your father thought the world of you. Every time he came in here he would always talk about you. I swear he thought that you hung the moon in the sky.”
There have been many times since that day at the store that I wished he was here. Wishing that he was here to hear about my promotion at work, to ask his advice, to hear him say, “Don’t let the bastards grind you down” and “You know where you can find sympathy in the dictionary son?” and “Remember, only guppies eat their young.” I wish he was here to hold his grand daughter, to help me finish my races……. to be my dad.
After thinking about all of these things, maybe I was his greatest fan. Maybe I just miss having certain fans in the bleachers cheering for me.
Mr./Madam Toastmaster, fellow Toastmasters.
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